Sunday, June 21, 2009

Maybe you had to be there, but....

Maybe you had to be there, but Jillian stole the show at church today. Although we've been going to our new church for seven months we just got around to finalizing our membership today. So, typically during the last 10 minutes of the service they introduce the new members,then we answer some questions the membership minister asks and then we all go back to our seats etc.... Well, little Miss Jillian was having none of that and decided that Reverend Dan had a better view and she headed right on up to the pulpit for the remainder of the service. Fortunately, Dan is a good sport and he's known Jillian pretty much from the start. If you were at our wedding then you might remember Dan, as he married us and you might remember that he is quite funny in his own right.

Soooo while I stood sweating (the nerves you get when you just hope and pray your child is being as cute as you know they can be) it out with no view of her for the most part, she and Dan carried on in the pulpit as if it wasn't the least bit out of the ordinary for her to be there.

She even stayed with Dan after we had gone back to our seats and were singing the final hymn. And then proceeded to wave at Frank and I until the service ended. So, no one will remember Frank and I but they will certainly remember Jillian. Lucky for us, one of the choir members had his camera and quickly snapped a few shots. Thanks Paul!


Rachelle said...

Too cute!!

May said...

Oh y gosh... too cute! Can't believe a choir member just happened to have a camera! (maybe it was his cell phone...) I hadn't been to your blog in a while (or anyone's!) -- so I'm glad you sent the e-mail.. I loved catching up and seeing her precious photos! I keep saying Madeleine and I are going to drive up to Asheville one day (I have family there). Obviously, ya'll are doing great! ~May