Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some of our recent highlights.....

Jillian, earlier tonight, in her version of a superhero outfit.

Swimming with Daddy in the cold mountain water. Brrrrrr.

Greeting Daddy and Eric after their Memorial Day weekend backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail.

Last day of school for the year. "We've got the whole world in our hands, we've got the whole world in our hands, we've got the whole world...." sing it with me now.

Our Garden is growing well......

Jillian likes taking care of Luray. Don't you love Luray's paw on Jillian's foot! Too Sweet.

Here she is at dress rehearsal for the ballet recital (far left). And yep, this is about how organized they looked during the actual performance! It was such a hoot. They had a wonderful time and that's all that counts.

We also went to see Dragonboat races earlier in the month.

And running through fields is always a great time.

But sharing a wagon ride with a friend is the best.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I just loved catching up on all the latest with Ms Jillian on your blog. She's growing up so fast and is such a beautiful little girl. We miss you guys. Hoping one day we can all get together. love ya! Nicole & Chan